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10 Essential Items for a Fun and Safe Beach Day with Your Baby

10 Essential Items for a Fun and Safe Beach Day with Your Baby
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10 Essential Items for a Fun and Safe Beach Day with Your Baby

Beaches are full of fun activities, beautiful scenery, and quality family time, but if you have a small baby, a beach trip requires some special preparation and supplies. Here is a list of the 10 essential items you will need for a comfortable and safe beach day with your baby:

1. Sun Protection

  • Hat – find one that covers your baby’s head, face, and neck.
  • Sunglasses – look for ones that have UV protection and straps to keep them from falling off.
  • Sunscreen – pick out a “baby-friendly” sunscreen that is stronger then what you use.

2. Beach Tent

A beach tent provides a cozy, shady spot for your little one to relax, nap, or play. Make sure it has a floor, a sun-reflecting roof, and an SPF rating.

3. Baby Carrier

A baby carrier is essential for navigating the beach. Look for one that is lightweight, breathable, and makes it comfortable to carry your baby around.

4. Waterproof Mat

A waterproof mat makes a great place to sit and play, as well as to change diapers. Make sure you pick one that is soft and large enough to fit both you and your baby.

5. Swimsuit

Choose a swimsuit that is SPF-rated and comfortable for your baby. Baby swimsuits come with UV protection and lightweight material to keep your baby cool and safe from the sun.

6. Toys and Books

It’s always a good idea to bring some distraction items to a beach day with a baby. Pack some crayons and paper, a plastic beach toy set, or a few books for a leisurely reading session.

7. Blankets

Bring a couple of lightweight and waterproof blankets for a soft surface to lay your baby on, or to stay warm when the sun sets.

8. Towel

One large towel for your baby and one for you should do the trick. Make sure your towel is absorbent and can dry quickly between dips in the ocean.

9. Snacks

Pack some snacks that your baby loves and that do not need to be refrigerated.

10. Water Bottle

Keep a small water bottle on hand to help keep you and your little one hydrated.

Having the right supplies can help make beach trips enjoyable and safe. Use the checklist above to make sure you are prepared for a fun and safe day at the beach with your baby!

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