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Not Your Mother’s Postpartum Tips from the Mama Psychologists – Podcast Ep 105

Not Your Mother’s Postpartum Tips from the Mama Psychologists – Podcast Ep 105
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Not Your Mother’s Postpartum Tips from the Mama Psychologists – Podcast Ep 105

Are you looking for some postpartum tips? Mama Psychologists recently released episode 105 of their podcast: Not Your Mother’s Postpartum Tips. In this episode they provide insight on how to cope with the practical and emotional burdens of postpartum life.

Common Themes

The Mama Psychologists cover a lot of ground in this episode, but some common themes emerged in their discussion:

  • Give yourself grace. After delivery mothers need to be gentle not just with their children, but with themselves as well.
  • You are not alone. Navigating life with a new baby can bring about a whole range of obstacles, which can be incredibly lonely. The Mama Psychologists emphasize that there is an entire community and resources out there to help.
  • Prioritize self-care. Self-care is the foundation of being a parent, and without it the postpartum journey can be a lot more difficult.

Need More Help?

The Mama Psychologists offer a wealth of advice and experience, but if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or in need of deeper support, then it’s important to reach out for guidance. Postpartum depression or anxiety can come in many forms and is not something to be ashamed of.

The Mama Psychologists have a directory of vetted professionals who specialize in postpartum and family mental health. They also have links to other helpful organizations like Postpartum Support International and the American Psychological Association.

Takeaways from Episode 105

The main takeaway from this episode of Not Your Mother’s Postpartum Tips is that postpartum doesn’t have to be scary or lonely. With the right attitude, community and resources, you too can enjoy the postpartum journey. Above all else, remember to prioritize your own self-care and morale.

Listen to Episode 105 of Not Your Mother’s Postpartum Tips for more insight and advice from the Mama Psychologists. And if you need more help, don’t be shy, reach out for professional help via the directory of vetted professionals listed on the website.

The Mama Psychologists strive to provide the best and most up-to-date postpartum information available. Check out the episode and the website for more tips and resources and don’t be afraid to take advantage of the help and guidance offered.

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