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4 Month Sleep Regression: Why It Happens and How to Stop Your 4 Month Old Waking at Night

4 Month Sleep Regression: Why It Happens and How to Stop Your 4 Month Old Waking at Night
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4 Month Sleep Regression: Why It Happens and How to Stop Your 4 Month Old Waking at Night

Many parents struggle when their 4 month old baby begins to wake up again through the night. Though it can feel sudden and disheartening, it’s not uncommon and often called “4 Month Sleep Regression”. Fortunately, this phase is typically temporary, and parents can manage or prevent it with a few simple measures.

What is 4 Month Sleep Regression?

4 Month Sleep Regression is a phase when babies who had been sleeping well through the night suddenly wake up again, usually after two or three months of regular sleep. The cause is not fully understood, but parents do report a simultaneous increase in activity and mobility as babies start to discover the world around them.

Signs of 4 Month Sleep regression

During this phase, it’s common to see:

  • Shorter naps – your baby is not sleeping as long as usual
  • Less/ More Often Feeds – they may eat more frequently, as hunger can interrupt their sleep
  • Waking throughout the night – your baby may wake multiple times during the night, or longer time periods.

It’s important to remember that the way babies feed, sleep and grow is highly individual and these behaviors don’t necessarily indicate a problem.

Ways to Help With 4 Month Sleep Regression

  • Manage Daytime Sleep – make sure your baby is getting enough sleep during daytime, as they may take more naps or longer naps during the day to make up for interrupted sleep at night.
  • Check awake times – pay attention to how long they’re awake during each cycle and make sure they’re getting enough rest between naps.
  • Practice good sleep habits – keep the environment quiet and dark, and establish a consistent bedtime routine to help your baby wind down at the end of the day.
  • Limit night-time snacks – work with your paediatrician to adjust their feeding schedule so they’re not eating too close to bedtime.
  • Use gentle sleep techniques – it can take time to teach a baby to sleep through the night, but there are a variety of strategies such as calming music, a laid-back attitude and swaddling that can help.


It’s important to remember that 4 month sleep regression is a common phase – and it won’t last forever. By following the simple tips mentioned above, you can help your baby get back to a good night’s sleep in no time.

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