Me & Baby

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Newborn Baby Arthur – 1 week new

Newborn Baby Arthur – 1 week new
Reading Time: 2 minutesReading Time: 2 minutes

Meet Baby Arthur

This week we had the privilege of welcoming the newest addition to the family – our precious baby, Arthur. This tiny little bundle of joy has already brought so much joy to our lives, and we are so excited to share little Arthur’s first week of life with you.

Big Brother Onboard

Big brother, Max, was so excited to meet his new brother or sister when Arthur was born. After the initial shock of having a new sibling, he is now fully invested and loves to spend time cuddling with Arthur and watching over him. While Max may not always know how to show it, it’s only by his actions everyone can tell how much he actually adores his baby brother.

The Homecoming

After a few days in the hospital, it was finally time for Arthur to come home. Between the car ride home and the same day feedings he was already proving himself as quite the trooper. Our little guy was already settling into a schedule and seemed to take comfort in feeling loved and secure in his new home.

What a Week!

In this first week, Baby Arthur has made quite a remarkable impression. Here’s a snapshot of some of his accomplishments:

  • Not one, but two photoshoots – Arthur has already had two photo sessions. He took it all quite calmly, although he did let out a few noises to show his disapproval
  • Sleeping well – Arthur loves his naps and has been sleeping well during the night
  • Smiles – Arthur loves to show us his beautiful smile. We can’t wait to see more of it as he grows

We are so thankful for this beautiful little blessing and are excited to watch him grow. We plan to cherish each moment and can’t wait to see what Baby Arthur has in store for us next.

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