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How Many ml Should a Newborn Drink? Chart for Formula-Feeding Babies

How Many ml Should a Newborn Drink? Chart for Formula-Feeding Babies
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How Many ml Should a Newborn Drink? Chart for Formula-Feeding Babies

Calculating the amount of formula to feed a newborn baby can be a challenge for new parents. After all, newborns need just the right amount of nourishment to help them grow and develop. To be sure your little one is getting enough to eat, it helps to understand how much formula a newborn needs at each feeding.

Making the Right Choice

The amount of formula a newborn needs depends on a few factors. No two babies are alike, so the amount of formula that one baby drinks may be different than what another baby may need. Factors like a baby’s age, size and growth rate can influence how much formula they should drink in a feeding.

Chart for Formula-Feeding Babies

Below is a chart to help parents determine how many milliliters a newborn should drink during a single feeding.

  • Babies under one month: 60 to 90 milliliters per feeding
  • Babies 1 to 2 months old: 90 to 120 milliliters per feeding
  • Babies 2 to 4 months old: 120 to 150 milliliters per feeding
  • Babies 4 to 6 months old: 150 to 180 milliliters per feeding
  • Babies 6 to 8 months old: 180 to 210 to milliliters per feeding
  • Babies 8 to 10 months old: 210 to 240 milliliters per feeding
  • Babies 10 to 12 months old: 240 to 270 milliliters per feeding

It should be noted that these amounts are estimates and your baby may need slightly more or less than the suggested amounts. It’s always best to talk to your baby’s doctor and discuss amounts of formula for your specific newborn.

Knowing When to Stop Feeding

Most one-month-olds should be fed every two to three hours. As your baby grows, the time between feedings should get longer. Most newborns will quickly learn to stop drinking when they’re full. If you’re formula feeding, take extra care to not overfeed your newborn. Overfeeding can lead to uncomfortable and sometimes serious colic, weight problems and other issues.

Properly feeding a newborn is an important task for any parent. With the right information, you can ensure that your baby is getting the nourishment they need to thrive.

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