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Mum Wine Culture: The risks and signs you need help

Mum Wine Culture: The risks and signs you need help
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Mum Wine Culture: The Risks and Signs You Need Help

From sharing stories of their ‘wine o’clock’ celebration to expressing concern over affordability and availability of wine, the ‘mum wine culture’ has become a very visible part of modern life.

As harmless as it may seem, this culture can have dangerous implications, with frequent heavy drinking linked to several physical and mental health risks. While mums are not immune to alcohol-related problems, there are clear signs that can help us identify if our drinking habits need to be addressed.

Health Risks

The risks of developing health problems include:

  • Cirrhosis of the Liver: A build-up of scar tissue in the liver due to long-term direct toxicity.
  • Cancer: Regular alcohol consumption can increase yourrisk of mouth, breast, throat, oesophagus and liver cancer.
  • Stroke: Heavy drinking can cause your blood pressure to rise, leading to an increased risk of stroke.
  • Depression: Long-term heavy drinking has been linked to depression and other mental health issues.

Signs that You Need Help

There are several signs to be aware of when it comes to identifying if you need help with your drinking habits.

  • Unability to ‘just have one’: If you feel the ‘need’ to have a few drinks before you can enjoy yourself, it’s a sign of problematic drinking.
  • Hiding drinking from family & friends: If you don’t feel comfortable talking about your drinking and go to great lengths to hide it, it’s likely a sign of a problem.
  • Drinking to cope with stress: If you rely on alcohol as a way to cope with stressful situations, it’s a sign that you should seek help.
  • Compromising your health: If your drinking is impacting your ability to look after yourself and is compromising your health, you should consider reaching out for help.

If you have noticed any of the signs above, it is important to seek help. The sooner you can identify and address your drinking issues, the sooner you will be able to reduce the risk to your health.

If you are worried about your drinking, there are many resources available, including therapists, support groups and addiction clinics. Don’t be afraid to reach out to them, as they can provide confidential and non-judgemental advice to help you on your recovery journey.

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