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15 Month Old Sleep Schedule: Bedtime, How Many Naps, and How to Get Your Toddler to Sleep Through the Night

15 Month Old Sleep Schedule: Bedtime, How Many Naps, and How to Get Your Toddler to Sleep Through the Night
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15 Month Old Sleep Schedule

If you’re looking for help setting up a sleep schedule for your 15 month old baby, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ll break down the different parts of the sleep schedule—bedtimes, naps, and tips to help your toddler sleep through the night—in order to make sure your baby is healthy and happy.


Bedtime for a 15 month old is usually between 6:30 – 7:30 pm. However, as all children are different, this can be adjusted depending on your baby’s individual needs. If your child needs more sleep, then consider pushing bedtime closer to 7pm. Ultimately, bedtime should be based on your child’s natural sleep rhythms and preferences.


Most 15 month olds require around 12-13 hours of sleep in total, including naps. The number of naps your baby should take will depend on the duration of bedtime and night sleep; for example, if bedtime starts at 7:30 pm and your baby is still sleeping until 7:30 am, then you may only need two naps during the day. This could be a morning nap of 1-2 hours and an afternoon nap of 2-2.5 hours.

How to Get Your Toddler to Sleep Through the Night

Getting your 15 month old to sleep through the night can be a challenge, but there are some steps you can take to help make it happen.

Establish a bedtime routine – Have a consistent, calming bedtime routine that starts at the same time every night. Routines help to signal to your child that it’s time to sleep.

Create a cozy space – Make sure their space is dark, quiet, and comfortable. Use light-blocking curtains, a comfortable temperature, and sleep-promoting toys or music to help your child relax.

Limit stimulation before bed – Wake your child up from their naps and try to limit their electronic and active play time before bed.

Listen to your child’s needs – Don’t be afraid to adjust your child’s bedtime in order to give them the sleep they need.

If you follow these tips and try your best to settle into a comfortable sleep routine for your 15 month old, then you should see the results you want in no time.

Good luck!

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