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782| Vaginal Breech Birth Story and Finding a New Care Provider While in Labor – Lauren Ruth

782| Vaginal Breech Birth Story and Finding a New Care Provider While in Labor – Lauren Ruth
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782| Vaginal Breech Birth Story and Finding a New Care Provider While in Labor – Lauren Ruth

Lauren Ruth faced a difficult challenge with her first child – unassisted vaginal breech birth. During labor she was determined to find a care provider that she felt comfortable with, and chose one she found at the last minute who helped her bring her beautiful baby boy into the world safely.

Stepping Into Unknown Territory

Before her son was born, Lauren did not know if she was carrying a head or breech baby, but after being informed by her midwife that the baby was breech, she was informed that it may be safer to proceed with a cesarean delivery. Despite the recommendations, Lauren was determined to pursue a vaginal breech birth. Her midwife was hesitant, so Lauren decided to seek a new care provider.

Embracing the Unexpected

At 33 weeks pregnant, Lauren was referred to a special doctor that could assist her with a breech delivery if that’s what she chose to do. After researching and speaking with him, she analyzed her options and chose to pursue an unassisted vaginal birth.

Fortunately, Lauren found another care provider while in labor who supported her decision and was willing to assist with the delivery. She credits this decision with ultimately being successful in delivering her son safely.

Reflection on the Birth Experience

In recalling the experience, Lauren reflects transformatively on the amount of strength and trust that she had in her power to birth her son. She says, “Looking back, I feel a great sense of achievement and pride that I was able to reach my goal of having a natural, unassisted breech birth.”

As a result of this experience, Lauren encourages other women to:

  • Educate themselves and listen to their intuition
  • Be confident in the decisions they make about their birth
  • Find a care provider who is supportive and encouraging when making decisions related to pregnancy and birth

Lauren is grateful for being able to find a care provider who assisted in bringing her son into the world safely. By being assertive in her decisions and seeking out the right care, Lauren was thankfully able to experience a successful and beautiful unassisted breech birth.

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