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Breast Pump Bag Essentials: What to Pack in Your Breast Pump Bag

Breast Pump Bag Essentials: What to Pack in Your Breast Pump Bag
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Breast Pump Bag Essentials: What to Pack in Your Breast Pump Bag

Traveling with a breast pump can be challenging. While it’s essential to have all your necessary supplies with you, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and not know what to pack. Here are some tips to ensure you have all the breast pump bag essentials that you need to fit in one bag:

The Breast Pump

The breast pump is the most important item to include in your bag. Make sure your pump is fully charged and ready to use.

Hospital-Grade Cleaning Supplies

Fill a small container or bag with hospital-grade cleaning supplies. This includes soap, towels, and wipes. Always remember to clean your breast pump after every use.

Extra Parts and Accessories

In addition to the parts that come with your pump, bring a few extra items. This can include breast pump membranes, spare tubing and valves, bottles, and breastshields.

Personal Items

You may also want to include a few personal items, such as soothing music, a favorite snack, and water.

Power Source

Bring a power source or adapter so you can use your pump while on the go.

A Breastmilk Storage Bag

A breastmilk storage bag is essential for storing your expressed milk. Make sure the bag is labeled with date and time of expression.

Nursing Pads

Nursing pads are great for protecting against spilled milk or leaks.

A Nursing Cover

A nursing cover can be great for providing you with more privacy when nursing in public.

Bottles of Water

Having a few spare bottles of water can be helpful if you need additional hydration while pumping.

By making sure to include these essential items in your bag, you can ensure that your breast pump travels with you smoothly and securely.

Do not forget:

  • The Breast Pump
  • Hospital-Grade Cleaning Supplies
  • Extra Parts and Accessories
  • Personal Items
  • Power Source
  • A Breastmilk Storage Bag
  • Nursing Pads
  • A Nursing Cover
  • Bottles of Water

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