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How to Handle Angry Toddlers

How to Handle Angry Toddlers
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How to Handle Angry Toddlers

Having an angry toddler in the house can be very stressful. Dealing with a tantrum or meltdown can be difficult and trying to figure out how to handle it can be even more challenging. Here are some tips for you to help manage your toddler’s anger.

Stay Calm

The most important thing to do when you see your toddler getting angry is to remain calm. When toddlers get very emotional, their own emotions can overwhelm them, and they can easily get out of control. When you stay calm and collected, it can help to keep the toddler from escalating.

Identify the Emotion

The next step is to identify the emotion that your child is feeling. A lot of times, toddlers do not really know how to express their emotions, and it helps to identify the root cause of the anger. It could be something that happened earlier or something that is going on right now.


Try to communicate with your child and talk about what is going on. Try to stay positive and remind them that it is okay to be angry, but it is not okay to act out. Be sure to listen to what your child has to say and validate their feelings.


When your toddler is getting too angry, it might help to distract them with something else. Try to find something that interests them and focus on that in order to calm them down. Distraction can be helpful, but it should not be used as an excuse for bad behaviour.

Validate Feelings

It is important to validate your toddler’s feelings and let them know that it is okay to be angry. You can show them that you understand what they are going through and empathize with them. This can help them to feel less overwhelmed and be more willing to listen to you.

Set Boundaries

Another important thing to do is to set boundaries and consequences for negative behaviour. Explain to your toddler that they need to show respect and use appropriate behaviour, and let them know that there will be consequences if they do not.

Be Consistent

It is important to be consistent with your expectations and consequences. This will help your child learn how to handle their emotions and behaviour in a healthy way.

Take Breaks

When your toddler is feeling overwhelmed, it might help to take a break from the situation and give them some time to calm down. Taking a few deep breaths together or having a hug can also help to de-escalate the situation.

Find a Positive Outlet

It can also help to find some positive outlets for your child’s anger such as playing with toys, reading a book, or playing a game together. Having fun activities available to do when they become angry can help to channel their emotions in a positive way.

Be Patient

Dealing with an angry toddler can be difficult and it can take some time for them to learn how to handle their emotions. Remember to be patient and stay consistent with your expectations and consequences.

Overall, managing your toddler’s anger requires patience, understanding, and communication. It is important to stay calm, identify the emotion, communicate with your child, set boundaries, distract them with something positive, and take breaks when needed. With consistency and understanding, your toddler can learn to manage their emotions in a healthy way.

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