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Sleep Training Your Toddler

Sleep Training Your Toddler
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Sleep Training Your Toddler

Sleep training is an important and necessary component of parenting a toddler. It can be a difficult and stressful task, but it’s ultimately beneficial for the health and well-being of your toddler.

Steps for Sleep Training

  • Establish a Sleep Cycle: Try to establish and maintain a consistent sleep schedule for your toddler. This will help them learn when it’s appropriate to sleep and when to stay awake.
  • Make a Bedtime Routine: Make a calming bedtime routine that your toddler can look forward to before going to bed. This could include a bedtime story, a lullaby, or some light stretches.
  • Establish a Bedtime: Set a specific bedtime for your toddler and make sure to stick to it.
  • Remove Electronic Devices: Make sure all electronic devices, such as phones and tablets, are turned off and out of reach at least an hour before bedtime.
  • Establish a Naps Schedule: Make sure to give your toddler scheduled naps throughout the day. Try to maintain a consistent nap schedule to promote healthy sleep habits.
  • Establish a Bedtime Ritual: Educate your toddler about what is expected during their bedtime ritual. This could include brushing their teeth, putting on pajamas, or reading a favorite bedtime book.
  • Reduce Stimuli Before Bedtime: Dim the lights and reduce noise before bedtime to help your toddler relax and prepare for sleep.
  • Talk to Your Toddler: Talk to your toddler about their day and how it was. This is a great way to bond and cultivate an emotional connection.

Tips for Sleep Training

  • Allow for Adjustment: Be prepared to adjust the sleep schedule and bedtime routine if it’s not quite working for your toddler.
  • Stay Positive: Remain positive and encouraging, and try to only make minor adjustments to the sleep schedule or bedtime routine.
  • Remain Consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to sleep training. Remain committed to the sleep schedule and bedtime routine, and don’t give in to any tantrums.
  • Address Problems Immediately: If your toddler is having difficulties sleeping, address the problem immediately and make sure to resolve it before bedtime.
  • Prepare for Illness: Make sure to have a plan in place if your toddler is sick or has trouble sleeping due to illness.
  • Pick Up on Cues: If your toddler is not showing signs of being tired, don’t force them to sleep. This can create a negative association with bedtime.
  • Ask for Help: If you’re having trouble with sleep training your toddler, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Seek out advice from family and friends or your child’s doctor.


Sleep training your toddler can be a difficult and overwhelming task, but it can be done with dedication, consistency, and a little bit of patience. By establishing a consistent sleep schedule, engaging in a calming bedtime routine, and removing distractions, you can help your toddler learn healthy sleep habits and promote a good night’s rest.

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