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These Multi-Sensory Toys Encourage Baby to Crawl — & They’re Selling Like Hotcakes

These Multi-Sensory Toys Encourage Baby to Crawl — & They’re Selling Like Hotcakes
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Multi-Sensory Toys For Encouraging Baby To Crawl

It seems like crawling is becoming more of a competition among parents — everyone wants their baby to start early, but how? Multi-sensory toys are becoming a popular solution to help babies reach this important milestone and they’re selling like hotcakes!

Why Multi-Sensory Toys Are Important

Multi-sensory toys are designed to stimulate babies through tactile, kinesthetic, visual and auditory stimuli. When babies interact with the toys, they are learning important skills like how to balance their bodies, how to coordinate movements, and how to use their hands to grasp objects. All of these skills prepare them for crawling and encourage them to do so.

Which Toys Should I Buy?

There are a number of different types of multi-sensory toys available that can help babies learn to crawl. Here are some of the most popular:

  • Activity mats – These mats provide babies with a variety of tactile, auditory and visual stimuli. Some mats even make noise when babies explore them.
  • Sensory balls – Balls that have different textures, sounds and shapes are great for stimulating babies’ tactile, auditory and visual senses.
  • Pull toys – Pull toys are a great way to give babies practice in balancing their weight, as well as learning to crawl.
  • Musical toys – Musical toys are a great way to encourage babies to move and explore.


Multi-sensory toys are becoming increasingly popular for encouraging babies to learn to crawl. They provide important stimulatory input to help babies gain skills like balancing their bodies, coordinating movements and more. If you’re looking for a way to help your baby reach this important milestone, consider investing in some multi-sensory toys — they’re selling like hotcakes for a reason!

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