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These Multi-Sensory Toys Encourage Baby to Crawl — & They’re Selling Like Hotcakes

These Multi-Sensory Toys Encourage Baby to Crawl — & They’re Selling Like Hotcakes
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These Multi-Sensory Toys are Encouraging Baby to Crawl — & Selling Like Hotcakes

From musical toys to multi-sensory toys, parents today are doing whatever they can to encourage babies to hit those mega-important milestone moments, like crawling. Now, one toy in particular is becoming more and more popular, because of its ability to encourage little ones to get their bodies moving.

VertiPlay Motor Activity Toy

Parents are going crazy for the VertiPlay Motor Activity Toy. This adjustable, durable, and fun activity center is perfect for letting babies explore and get active. It’s made up of several playable components, including:

  • A keyboard that lights up and plays actual sounds — even classical music!
  • An animal character board with buttons that will help baby learn necessary concepts, like same, different, and counting.
  • A shape-sorting box, perfect for helping baby develop problem-solving skills.
  • A unique spinning wheel for letting baby explore different colors and textures

The best part about the VertiPlay Motor Activity Toy is that it’s adjustable. As your baby grows, you can easily adjust the height of its different components, making it fun for a much longer period of time.

The Benefits of Playtime

Of course, putting aside the obvious challenge of helping baby hit the necessary milestones, activities like the VertiPlay Motor Activity Toy is the perfect way to keep baby happy and teach them important skills.

Here are some of the benefits of this type of playtime:

  • Learning about textures, sounds, and shapes
  • Developing problem solving skills
  • Developing motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and lower body strength
  • Enhancing creativity and language

If you’re looking for the perfect toy for your little one, then you’ll definitely want to consider this multi-sensory option! The VertiPlay Motor Activity Toy has quickly become a popular choice for parents, and it’s absolutely no wonder why. So get your little one started today!

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